Friday, November 11, 2005 Suscribe to this blog

Unnerving Act II sanny @ 4:37 PM

Today, as scheduled, I returned to the company a second time for the interview. This time around I'm the lone ranger there; I guess they slot people in at different times, or days.

The interview was set in a small room with three reps zooming in on you: in my case, there's an Indian, a Korean and a Singaporean. They're very professional of course (and I'm quite intimidated by the Korean, because she's got a crisp voice-I find Koreans emanate this aggressive aura or something-though someone previously mentioned that she's a very nice lady)...the butterflies in my stomach jumped away haphazardly as I was asked on the spot to make a sales pitch! That may well be my...ehh...I dunno what...I felt quite taken aback and took this Ice Mountain mineral water as the product I'm selling (*sweat*)...I'm not sure I made the best of pitches (there's a few laughs but it's due to my lameness I guess - how how how?), and they said they'll update me in about a week...ohh!!!! The agony of uncertainty! I better have my backup plan ready (mental note running in mind)...Oh, by the way, even if the selected candidates do get called back again, there's still the New York rep (via calls) and the HR reps to talk to...And the thing is, I don't think I sound like I'm very committed (as I mentioned before I didn't know employees were trained to be placed in their sales department, which I'm quite apprehensive about). Eek. Perhaps I should just get a pensieve, channel all thoughts into it for a week and worry about all these later. Now, time to brew hot chocolate, recharge and clean the mess in the house because AQ Wie Wie is coming! ^-^