Monday, October 03, 2005 Suscribe to this blog

Spoilt blogger tools sanny @ 7:29 PM

Blogger tools are displayed wrongly in our home desktop computer, so I'm not really psyched about blogging. By the way this computer also can't access the Yahoo! frontpage for some reason unbeknownst to a bunch of techie idiots at home. Anyway these days I don't feel the mood to do anything...just as if the energy inside me is being zapped up by the static air around me. I guess I'm too much of a daydreamer, trying to fit everything inside an imaginary rose-tinted container to look from (notice how I like pink shades? The world does look so much more prettier, somewhat, in a wash of pink).

Everything's pretty much the same, people from the unit above ours still throw beer bottles without covering them up in plastic bags (which irritates us to no end-don't understand why they drink so much beer too), I've yet to start being an income tax payer, and yet to learn to discern between reality and fantasy (think this results from too much entertainment being fed into my consciousness - or I'm simply too childish for my own good). But alas, who am I to moan about the trifles of everyday life and thoughts when somewhere else people are suffering much much worse? The constant anarchy in Middle East and famine in Africa bla bla aside (sounds like some UN ambassador), Bali had just been bombed by suicide bombers again. Can't these selfish killers let people enjoy a little piece of sanctuary on Earth? And I wonder whether I'd ever get to go there and come back savouring pleasant memories. Fuel and oil prices in Indo skyrocketed like crazy and I tried to think nothing chaotic/bloody/evil/bad etc would ensue in the aftermath of these concerns.

At a time when no peace is guaranteed anywhere, my idyllic albeit mundane life seems a blessing; I don't know whether to feel helpless or thankful. I guess the latter. So, thanks but strangely I'm still feeling the blues of an October Monday.

Blogger sanny said...

Well, we can focus on how to make it less sucky? At least lu di sono bisa liat orang cakep2 selaen dari TV, majalah gitu loh...
12:45 PM  
Blogger sanny said...

Eh eh sekarang gw liat shuai ge aja ga bisa, let alone know...hiks hiks...
11:22 AM  
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