Thursday, October 27, 2005 Suscribe to this blog

O-hi-sa sanny @ 10:17 PM

Ok ok I'm finally updating this blog after a somewhat protracted hiatus...keke...

*To Char: you really want to be hit by sausage? I'll get you a sausage pillow if I can find one then hehee...

Met two of my jiemeis and watched two movies today: The Legend of Zorro and The Skeleton Key; as per my custom, we had to come in late for both movies, but luckily there were lots of empty seats, giving us the liberty to sit as we please. The first one was, true to its billing, the sort of all-round entertainment movie, with comedy, romance and action all rolled in a mixture added with a dash of folklore. favourite scene's the one where the camera panned on Zorro's horse Tornado's expression (well, a close-up of its eyes really) as a tricky situation beckoned; that was super comical. As for the latter movie, it's...well...scary (obviously) plus upsetting...cos the baddies won in the end...the feel's very much like those stories written by this Japanese mangaka whose name I forgot (Mar, you know, one of the Serial Misteri comic authors), where her short tales' 'unjust' endings always infuriate you somewhat, making you protest indignantly, "It's so wrong, it's so wrong!" *pulls hair in exasperation - and yet - you reflect - those endings, in their own macabre ways, produced the response, that uneasiness of mind the author intended to ellicit from the readers - that's the scary part*...anyway, about the skeleton key, the movie plot didn't really tie in with the key at all once the first 20 or so minutes had passed...Rather it's peppered with horrible premonitions...I said premonition because my brother had told me beforehand that the protagonist fell pray to the villains in the end...acckk I'll stop writing about this already...that's two films now in which that same actor plays the same type of baddie (the other one's Flight Plan...Mami said he's got a shifty face - or maybe he specializes in those kind of roles)

Oh yea, I also got presents from my friends (yay! Thank you! Muacchs aww) and now I've both sets of Hotman 1 and Hotman 2 Dramas to watch!! Arigatou ermei! The three of us took photo prints as usual (And my S-A-S-S a.k.a. short attention span syndrome kicked in again; picked the wrong photos and ordered the wrong burger to boot)

Oo oo and last but not least, Cemel must be cursing why her hols didn't last longer till now, because: MTV Asia just sent this to my email:

MTV Whatever Things Bash Invitation

Initially I thought this was for the contest entry about the stunt idea thingy (by which you could win a Philips player and an invitation to aiya!'s party) and then I saw the 'first 500' clause...chey...well...I'm sure if Cemel had the chance she'd drag me to the party, queue if must be...but...I personally don't see the point of queueing for such a party, unless my friend(s) want to go too...anyone?! Seriously, that's the date my parents are returning to Jakarta so I mightn't be able to go anyway. Mar, poor you!!!!

Blogger sanny said...

Ya ya Kanon Iguchi...that's it...those twisted endings...gave the story...I dunno...uniqueness?
12:45 AM  
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