Wednesday, October 12, 2005 Suscribe to this blog

Kamunyak sanny @ 12:36 PM

Yesterday I went to IMM for the first time. Initially I thought it's some immigration department and wondered why my Professor's going there at dinnertime (I was going out of campus with her in taxi and she wanted to drop me off at IMM, near a MRT station). Turns out it's a shopping centre! Inside it looks very much like hmm...a smaller version of Bandung Super Mall in Bandung? Big and sprawling and quite puzzling. And me being the claustrophobic direction idiot blurhead that I am, I'm all dizzy from all the swarms of people walking to and fro. It's a bit like Park Mall in that there are lots of furniture shops here...and some furnitures are really cute! My professor then asked me to join her for dinner and we ate at this eatery which resembles one of those cafetarias in Jakarta. This must be the most Indon-looking shopping mall I've ever come across here!

International Merchandise Mart
Looks as if it's in Jakarta

During dinner she mentioned that Lithuania (on which one of her papers is based on-quite an ulu European country, I only know it's something like Slovenia, Slovakia etc) has the most delicious soups ever (I was drinking this spinach soup-the meal's on her btw), especially in winter where they brew those extra heavy and creamy soups, more filling than caldo (kaldu in Indonesian-duh pengen minum kaldu sapi! (berasa sadis nih)). In addition, she (who'd lived in Europe before she came here) said the tastiest soup's the super light beetroot soup, which I think must taste similar to my favourite, Mom's kuah ayam merah. Talk until it made me almost salivate.

Anyway, later on I was quite heartened by this very kind supermarket auntie at Isetan Supermarket (After dinner I went there to shop for household items). By the time I finished shopping the supermarket's closing and lazy me intended to chuck the trolley aside without taking back the $1 coin. Then she came along and fussed over how she'd just return the trolley and give me back my coin. I was quite touched as I seldom come across courteous and considerate shop attendants nowadays. I'll come to the main topic! I've not watched TV for quite some time and it was not until nighttime that I'm grateful I'd suscribed to Animal Planet and be able to catch Heart of a Lioness (albeit a repeat telecast), a documentary by Saba and Dudu Douglas-Hamilton of a fairytale-like story of a young lioness' motherly care of a young oryx calf which is supposed to be a natural prey for lions. I'm so awed throughout the show and the poignancy of the tale left me hoping that wherever she is and if she's still around, I hope Kamunyak (which means 'the blessed one') is well and safe and will always be blessed.

Kamunyak and the baby oryx
Kamunyak and the oryx calf. Those spots on Kamunyak are flies.

I find this picture soo sweeettt!!! ♥

This must be one of the most bittersweet and heartfelt documentaries I've watched, makes you go, "Awwww...."
Click to see feature on Douglas-Hamilton's website

Blogger sanny said...

The oryx calf was later on eaten by an old male lion hunting for food, when Kamunyak happened to let the calf wander around 'cos she was too tired to move (they've been starving and just had their first water in like 10 days)'s very sad...later through the next year she 'adopted' a couple more oryx calves but after that she disappeared and not seen again in Samburu.
12:57 PM  
Blogger sanny said...

10:24 AM  
Blogger sanny said...

Yes...and all she could do at that time was to watch helplessly as the lion tore the oryx calf...cos she was too weak to even move, let alone challenge the lion. The next day after the calf was killed, Kamunyak hunted for her first food in 15 days (lions normally hunt every 4 days)
12:31 PM  
♥ Put your finger in the pie ♥
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