Monday, October 17, 2005 Suscribe to this blog

JIRO ジロウ's Bday! sanny @ 10:07 AM

Today is Wayama Yoshihito a.k.a. JIRO's Birthday!!!!! Woohoo!!!! He's...ermmm...32? 33? Can't remember (wait...I know he's born in the year of the Rat, so it's 33!)...I really am not good at remembering people's birthdays; I mean I may remember the dates but not the years, vice versa, you know? Anyway, it's JIRO's birthday! And mami's here!!! So happy so happy! Oh yeps, from reading newspapers on Sunday I know,too, that today's also the birthday of Kimi 'the Kiwi'(ok he's Finn but whatever) Raikkonen (how old? dunno)! My favourite bassist and my favourite F1 racer's birthdays!!! By the way, for the F1 Chinese Grand Prix yesterday Kimi's 2nd and Alonso's 1st; Alonso looked much more friendlier and livelier than Kimi, who as I've said before, looks very dao but I still like Kimi better 'cos he's dao in a mockable way (always the target of jokes here) and is カッコイイ...anyway both of them are good racers.

First things first, here's a recent pic of JIRO, for GLAY's Happy Swing project, "Life is a Donut" (I'm reminded of my old school Ricci and Dunkin Donuts, because you see, back then whenever you get to the top 10 in class, you get two Dunkin Donuts vouchers which exchanged for about 1 or 2 free boxes of Donuts! So Donuts = brains...or something like it?! Ehh...suddenly I have this image of that Donut-munching policeman in The Simpsons...) ! Ok, here are the picture(s)!

Actually, he's just poring over photo negatives...but doesn't it look like someone working in a lab, still? haha
JIRO the scientist? Heck, if scientists were this cute, we girls (ok, me at least) would be taking Quadruple Pure Science courses (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Boylogy).

posing for the camera
Posing with cameraman Nomura-san's German camera for the shoot 

the completed shot, 1 of 4 in the series
The completed shot for JIRO's version of the cover (there's Teru, Hisashi and Takuro versions too) More at

I haven't been keeping up with celeb news except those morbid shows on E! which you don't pay much attention at anyway; and since I haven't been scouring for info whatsoever I still don't know if JIRO's child is a girl or a boy, let alone his/her name (think it's a girl). And I hope and think JIRO'd be a good daddy to his kid(or kids), 'cos he likes children (he's like a kid himself) and he'd said before he'd try his very best despite him having a less-than-perfect-childhood, which he said contributed to his uncertainty as to whether he'd be a good father. He will! 頑張ってねジロウさん! 応援するよ!

Birthdays and cute 17 October birthday boys aside, just wanted to add this excerpt from Wes Craven (you know, the horror maestro who gave you Scream, A Nightmare on Elm Street...)'s article in November's Glamour (UK)'s so hilarious, didn't know he's this funny. I hope this doesn't count as plagiarism...

WHAT SCARES MEN MOST...about women by Wes Craven, G-Insight, Glamour(UK) No 56 Iss November 2005

Men have been afraid of women since the beginning of humankind. It all started early one Sunday morning, day seven, week one. Adam was just about to step under the waterfall for a quick shower when he realised he was missing a rib. It peeved him that he'd existed only for a week and yet he'd already lost something. He turned to see if he'd accidentally dropped it and - yikes! - discovered he was no longer alone in paradise.

"You should see the look on your face," the newcomer laughed. "Scared of your own shadow?"

Adam blinked, dazzled by this stranger, who was definitely a human like he was, but a whole lot cooler looking. "Where'd you come from?" he stammered.

"Your rib, duh," she said.

"Well give it back!" he said. "It's part of a set," he added lamely, silently wishing he hadn't.

Eve just stepped closer, eyes a universe, flesh aglow. "Big guy like you," she whispered, "you'll grow a new one in no time. Meanwhile you've got me." She glided even closer to give Adam a really good once-over.

And in that instant, Adam knew his goose was cooked. Terror swept through him, an inexplicable fear that, if he were to turn suddenly away, count to ten, then look back, this gorgeous creature might not be there any more - that all of this might be just a dream. Then where would he be? Ever since that day, women have been scaring the pants off men in the following ways...(continued in Glamour)

And then he rambled on in good humour about men's modern day fears with regard to women, amongst others, the way we drive like lunatics, have total recall, shopping zombie transformations, our verbal booby traps and so on...I'd like to say more but then again with the risks of blogs being monitored by blog satellite dishes, you never know. Then again I can always lend you my magazine copy.

Last but not least (this is so old skool but due to the limitations of my vocab...can't help it)

Happy Birthday JIRO! Happy Birthday Kimi!
Image from

Blogger sanny said...

Is he the one with the afro?
4:18 PM  
♥ Put your finger in the pie ♥
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