Monday, October 31, 2005 Suscribe to this blog

Food galore! sanny @ 9:04 PM

No pics though lol...anyway, Papi came here yesterday and as my Mom's here too, my siblings and I have been on an eating binge since. Papi brought lots of shao mai here (re-fried to oily delish) and umpel (very fatty but delicious beef jerky - I'm reminded of the beef jerky sub-quest in Chrono Trigger, in which the beef jerky's sold to you for 9,999 GP and you can either sell it for a profit of a few GPs or be a philanthropist and set a good example to future generations - which you must do to get a vital item)

Yesterday we ate at this Thai restaurant in Orchard...lots of spicy food which contributed to laxative least it solved my constipation problem today. Niki complained that everytime Mami comes here she gains weight and that she can't stick to her dieting plan. But food is to be enjoyed, not to be calorie-counted with calculators.

Although we all could do with a wee bit more discipline to exercise more. My tennis sucks and 'sparring' with James (who thinks he can do a Roddick serve or a Nadal counter - yeah right) doesn't help. We spend more time picking tennis balls because in total we've only got 9 of them to practice with. I thought of training more but it triggered, sometimes, unpleasant memories of my Tennis Club days where the seniors are such snobs (so much so that all the girls in my class quit after the first 2 months - unanimous decision- we don't want to turn to such b****** - pardon the French), plus my friend's bag and mine were stolen during Tennis practice too (long story) and thus somehow I connect Tennis (ladies' Tennis at least) with all things mean; though I enjoy watching ATP tournaments, especially if Federer or Nadal's playing, hehe. Can't understand what's the fuss over Sharapova though; yes she's chio (according to ALL boys) and she plays well but her wheezes put me off really. Anyway the men's tennis tournaments are more exciting to watch.

Ok I'll stop picking on others...lest I get trampled by their fans...meanwhile *makes mental note* must must exercise more!

Blogger sanny said...

Me too...need to slim down
11:29 AM  
♥ Put your finger in the pie ♥
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