Thursday, October 06, 2005 Suscribe to this blog

谢谢你们的好意 sanny @ 8:19 PM

With helpers like these, who needs chores?

Dishwashing help
- As and when they feel like it, my siblings sometimes help to wash the plates. And oh, how amazing! Everything done in under 5 minutes!
- The catch: you wake up the next day to find ants crawling over the food remains still on the plates and the frying pan's still splattered with oil globules. To be really fair, this (grossly incomplete washing or cuci asal-asalan* I call it) only happens occasionally. Ha-ha... So, off to wash the dishes again...I shall also do it asal-asalan.
* wash anyhow/do it lackadaisically

Clotheswashing help (using the washing machine)
- Incredibly high efficiency rate. At any one time, you can see that so many soiled clothes are being washed! Wow, wonder how so many clothes can be stuffed inside the washing machine.
- The catch: you wake up the next day to find that the washed clothes are still inside the washing machine. You find out that fabric softener's not used and the clothes have this weird smell due to their being kept in damp conditions for overdue periods of time. And if you're unlucky, sometimes you find colour-run stains on the lighter clothes because they're not separated from the darker ones during washing.puyeng So, off to hanging the multitude of clothes ASAP and shakes head at the sorry state of the clothes as well as the prospect of ironing all those garments with the strange smells evaporating as you iron. Cue self-consolation that worse things could happen.

Organizing help
- Just when you think the house's getting too messy and that miscellanous things are all over the place, wonderful self-appointed organizers clear up the clutter and voila! Everything's neat and organized.
- The catch: Except that it's not exactly organized. You wonder where did your stuff go when you need to use it and when enquired, you're barked back with "Dunno ah! Ga tau ah!" StunnedSo you go about on a scavenger hunt and when you do find your item, you despair at the haphazard way they're dumped in (mostly in cupboards) and resort to organizing stuff all over again. Sometimes, you do not find your sought-after item for long periods of time and kept wondering where it could have teleported (like now).

...and many many other instances when you think of saying, "帮倒忙". But I guess, it's the sincerity that counts? Or not.

Blogger sanny said...

Not me, it's Niki! When I do the washing I do take note of the time ok! *indignant*
6:12 PM  
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