Friday, September 23, 2005 Suscribe to this blog

Shit sanny @ 5:20 PM

I. feel. so. bad. now. (>_<)....Arrrggghhhhh!!!! What I did was, I overwrote my professor's original file in her thumb drive and totally like negated her whole day's work. I'm doomed...stupid stupid me. The idiotic thing was, I noticed the disrepancy in file size and should've known better to save the new file as another name in her thumb drive. Now I feel so bad for what I've done, blast me. Just when I thought I have been a good help for her all this while...inside she might wish she'd kill me, although she was being very nice about it and all and was still putting up a strong, smiley front ("I could almost cry" those were her exact words). Why must I always do this kind of catastrophic stuff? Why why why? And worse, what's this? I'm drowning in self-pity and persecution.

Come to think of it, I've always been more trouble than help. To quote Cloud Strife: 誰も助けられないと思うんだ、家族だろうが、仲間だろうが。And to add: 幸せをさせて出来るかも、こんな不器用な自分が。OMG I'm just so frustrated.

Blogger sanny said...

i tried to register but there doesn't seem to be any test dates available. are there specific dates when the tests are administrated?
12:37 PM  
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