Wednesday, September 28, 2005 Suscribe to this blog

Locked out sanny @ 12:17 PM

Two days ago I changed my domain from student to associate for my university account and horrors of horrors, I am now officially locked out of my online web storage! (Although I did make a backup save, luckily)...but the problem now is I can't access the Library database unless I sign up for the Alumni membership ($52 per annum) and visit the library physically to utilise it. boohoo So my professor is now sourcing out ways on how I can still carry on doing the research (currently I'm just slacking off writing blogs! huuhuu malu )

Anyway, the company that's waiting for my reply was very nice and the representative was saying I can take my own sweet time in deciding whether I want to take up the job or not as long as it's not too late. I feel very bad leh, keeping them waiting for so long...hopefully I can start my normal work next month so can apply for PR status here...haizz...feel like a castaway here.

Oh, last week I watched Jackie Chan's The Myth after a long hiatus from the cinemas. Contrary to the discerning critics, I enjoyed the movie tremendously. Sure, the story is a bit ridiculous and it's a patchwork of stuffs from here and there but it's entertaining and that's what matters. The rat glue chase-and-fight scene's a great laugh. Kim Hee Seon (金喜善) is verrrryyy pretty (of course lah, if not what's all those 'enhancements' for) in the movie. As things go in Jackie Chan movies both she and Mallika Sherawat (the other actress in the movie, who reportedly slogs 3 hours in the gym everyday, 佩服佩服) serve as the eye candies in the show. I wonder when was the last time his movie featured more handsome men than pretty ladies.

About time I start doing work now, cannot afford to muse around so much.

Blogger sanny said...

I just like the lyrics to this one. :P Anyway going to change the song soon
7:54 PM  
♥ Put your finger in the pie ♥
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