Tuesday, September 06, 2005 Suscribe to this blog

Caramel sanny @ 11:31 AM

Remember Caramel Pavilion? I came across this song titled 'Caramel', which pretty much sums up the mixed feelings of idol adulation. Now caramel also reminds me of Chocoball caramel flavourchocoball caramel by morinaga, my favourite Chocoball flavour. That's beside the point. I'm talking about idols and how we use them conveniently to place our dreams on their shoulders. I said 'conveniently' because really when you grow out of it (which in most cases is almost a given), the said idol has served his purpose in that phase of your life and probably, you'd waken up to reality.

Adults who know better, like my mom for example, would quote examples from the experiences of our elder counterparts. For instance, my cousin Cie Pei-Pei (now 30 - sorry Cie!) was a huge (I mean really huge) fan of Leon Lai in her teens (eeuu, I dunno what she saw in him - I grant that he's a good actor though) and she had her room plastered all over with his mug. And then what happens when realisation kicks in? All those merchandise goes straight to the dustbin. Gone are the notions of Leon Lai being Cie Pei Pei's 'one true love' or something.

For my case, the first celebrity whom I thought was 'the one' is Takuya Kimura, when he acted in 'Long Vacation' (it's the opening theme where he fooled around with the rest of the cast that did it-yeah I know it's stupid now) and I was like, 13 then? I was all for the sunshine-androgynous-man-boy type. And then there was Takashi Kashiwabara in Shota no Sushi and subsequently Itazura na Kiss; I didn't go so far as to buy pictorial books (Niki and Marissa did-the same one at that!)gyahaha and of course, Leonardo DiCaprio in Romeo+Juliet and Titanic. Now that I think of it, I must've had about a gazillion love rivals. And true enough, each infatuation would last for like a year or two at the most. So fickle, right? For the record, I still like all of them as artistes and I still think they're gorgeous.

So when *beep* said she wanted to wait for her prince Edison and Jamie (who's slightly older than us and is going to marry his fiancee soon) said, "Haiyah, I tell you, in about two years you'll forget him one" with all the wisdom of someone who's still stuck on Star Wars, I do feel a little indignant, even if I might agree with the logic of his statement. Why can't we really live up our aspirations? I mean, I'm actually rooting for *beep* and Edison, albeit not believing that I'm doing it (because, isn't it a 'lost cause'?). Probably I just want to see all those discerning people proved wrong, or probably I want romantic dreams to come true. I wonder if a couple of years from now, my thinking would still prevail?

长痛不如短痛, maybe, alas, the advice in 'Caramel' would be a wake-up call.

CARAMEL (Chiara Civello)

It won't do to dream of caramel
To think of cinnamon and long for you

It won't do to stir a deep desire
To fan a hidden fire that can never burn true

I know your name, I know your skin
I know the way these things begin

But I don't know how I would live with myself
What I'd forgive of myself if you don't go

So goodbye, sweet appetite
No single bite could satisfy...

I know your name, I know your skin
I know the way these things begin

But I don't know what I would give of myself
How I would live with myself if you don't go

It won't do to dream of caramel
To think of cinnamon and long for you

Now, what was Jiro thinking when he thought of the name Caramel Pavilion? Wake Me Up When September Ends

Blogger sanny said...

Isn't it lovely to still love the same person many many years on, despite the pooh-poohings of other people? foolish indulgence, see.
1:20 AM  
♥ Put your finger in the pie ♥
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