Tuesday, August 30, 2005 Suscribe to this blog

O-hi-sa-shi sanny @ 10:40 AM

It's been too long since I even touch the dashboard! Well I'd actually arrived in Singapore almost a month ago but was held up with work (a temporary one, research paper for my docent)...my docent comes from Netherlands and she'd expressed that Singapore is repressive (of course, when you consider she used to stay in Holland...); I hope she finds her sanctuary here, or somewhere else, one day.

I feel I've been neglecting too many things because I'm sort of a one-track mind person (a.k.a. a simpleton)haha...and I tend to forget other imperatives occasionally. I hope once I finish this paper, I'll hopefully get a good job to fuel my consumerist tendencies and to spend my time more constructively (the main motive, though, is to quickly finish my 3-year obligatory job bond here, plus I can apply for PR status)working!. Come to think of it, when girls work, most of the money they earn, they spend (on frivolities, a large amount of it). What about guys (assuming those who do not have family responsibilities etc)? Man, they'd be so much richer than us spendthrift girls. And some people still argue over the rationale behind the need to give females equal pay.

The house feels emptier after Marissa went off to Santa Monica and Mami returned to Jakarta...sigh...and with that, the house becomes the perfect potential location for Amaryllis: House of Terror again. For one, James has returned to painting his toy tanks using thinner and acrylic paint, with the air-con turned on. The toxic! The poison!racun!

And an additional bummer: lousy Rupiah depreciating again. Opa had warned that an uprising might occur so I hope everyone in Jakarta's safe and sound.