Monday, August 01, 2005 Suscribe to this blog

Jittery bug sanny @ 7:36 PM

Astagadragon, I might've just blown up my own chance of working in one of my desired companies. The company promptly replied to my earlier sent application and set the interview date to be on the 3rd of August...problem is, I'm still in Jakarta on said date and although I'd replied in turn asking for a postponement of the interview, I wonder, what if they decided to go ahead without me after all? Did I just squander away my chance then? Arrgghhh...agony agony!Aaaaa!

Well anyway, today I visited the US Embassy here to process my American visa application. Thank goodness, I was granted the visa (though I've no idea what's the visa duration is, yet) after much deliberation (I've to retake my photograph 'cos the lady in the first locket was complaining, "Miss, I can't see your ears in this photo, you've to retake it" (my ears do not protrude and hence even when I tuck my hair behind them it's still very hard to see them from the front view - I've to retake a photograph with my hair tied up just to prove that I have earsbuang buangin waktu aja) ...this after about 1 hr plus of waiting in line since 6.30 am in the morning - that makes it an hour - had to hail a taxi (because Mami had gone back with Pak Hassan, our driver, to wait for me in the car, parked at Gambir station; the taxi driver was very kind and waited for me to take my photo before driving me back to the embassy again; on hindsight, I should've generously given the whole of Rp. 20,000 just for being so nice )

Due to the tight security, Pak Hassan was questioned by two patrolmen as he was waiting for me opposite the embassy and they asked him why's it that he kept looking at the embassy's direction ("I'm waiting for my employer's daughter, Sir", Pak Hassan answered him, totally confounded as to why was he being approached by officers) should be noted that he was standing about 200 metres away and they could still spot him! Must've used binoculars, Pak Hassan said. He was a bit ruffled at the fact that they even took his photograph, took down the car license plate number and his IC no. even. ("I feel like a criminal already", complained Pak Hassan half-jokingly)...shows that them officers aren't merely there for show...

About three hours later and some kilometres away from the US embassy we went Garuda to buy some food (very yummy! And they verified that their chickens are home-bred and free from Avian flu, thank goodness) 'cos Mami doesn't have enough time to cook lunch and went home, much to my relief because my bowels were screaming "Toilet! toilet!" during the journey home (must've sat too long in the embassy).

Then it's just nap, nap and nap and now blogging and surfing and doing other mundane stuff like yours truly often does.