Saturday, August 06, 2005 Suscribe to this blog

Cupu sanny @ 3:31 PM

Will be out of town for two days with my parents and some of their friends; might be seeing my aunt too (I've never been further than Bandung!). Tempers are fraying here due to ever-escalating fuel prices, weak currency (even against the depreciating greenback), hot weather what-have-yous. Some had predicted another political outbreak, which's sort of intimidating and also saddening at the same time. This country's pedals just seem to be set on reverse as the rest of the world move forward. A pity really, for if not for the rampant amorality, her potential mandates a much better outlook.

Decided that I should'nt be lazing around here and surfing the internet, so I'd log off and cut these internet connection companies short from scraping more dosh from my family.