Sunday, July 17, 2005 Suscribe to this blog

'The penultimate' sanny @ 2:21 PM

I bought 'the penultimate' (hoho dunno why I like to use this word) book in the Harry Potter series. Seriously, I can't understand why people bother to queue up for hours in order to be 'the first' to finish reading the book. As if there'd be any prize or whatever.'s also the penultimate day before I leave for Hong Kong...probably gonna have to bring the book along to read in the aeroplane...(stupid book, or rather stupid me, turns out the book I 'chose' has a defect and I didn't notice it until my little brother pointed it out to's just a book, as long as it's readable it's my opinion)

I'm a bit worried about my constant travelling because it'll make it so much harder to apply for a job now that I've graduated from school. I didn't feel liberated at all, rather the feeling's more akin to being tweezed from one cookpot to another, more pressurising one. In a way, I guess it's good to run away from Singapore, even just for a while, before I'm stuck here for the next three years of my life or maybe more...(this really bothers me) Although my dad said that he could pay off the bond fees but I felt it's too much to ask of him; after all so much has been spent on me. In the meantime I could do with a change of environment. (I think I'm a habitual escapist - well, whenever the notion strikes)

Aside from being a 'fleeter', I'm also a very unsettled person, I think, in more ways than one. I'm extremely fond of familiarity, yet sometimes I couldn't help wanting to go somewhere where there're full of strangers (come to think of it, this isn't such a warming thought), thus my looking forward to escaping from familiar territory to a place where I'm unrecognised (tendencies of a hermit?).

When I go off to HK tomorrow, I gather it'll be a regular short shopping spree/housekeeping etc...I'm a little unwell today, what with vomitting in the morning (a result of eating too much seaweed after swimming, I fathom). Off to reading 'the penultimate' book. Eggs me when I realise there's only 1 more book left. There, yet somehow not there. Arrggghh!!!