Thursday, June 29, 2006 Suscribe to this blog

Status Report sanny @ 12:07 PM

House - Messy

State of mind - Stressed
"The reason that attributes to the current state of mind of subject is caused by a mixture of factors including the current state of the house (short-term factor). Tension may also be caused due to surprise tests during subject's Japanese lessons which require regular revision, something the subject does not do."
~ Professor Apapun Tauaja

General health - Below average
"Along with the coming of the Big Aunt, lack of sleep due to late-night tv and the constipation, the subject is decidedly afflicted with cramps, eye-bags and the perennial 'soak' symptoms."
~ Dr. Oga Olaraga

Emotional State - Mercurial
"Given the subject's general annoyance at tardiness, the current state of the house plus the extended environment (note: The subject has a negative disposition towards many aspects of her current extended environment), in addition to the presence of the Big Aunt, the volatile emotional state is a natural outcome. This is aggravated by the fact that she is upset by some apparent revelations as seen via the media. We suggest she mind her own business. The initial prescription of comfort food was rejected as they might contribute to a further expansion of the waistline which in turn will spark more agitation."
~ Professore E. Mosi