Wednesday, December 14, 2005 Suscribe to this blog

Reading List sanny @ 8:25 PM

Well, after To Kill A Mockingbird, I have decided that I've not read for a long time and a lot of books at home are just waiting to be book bug fodder. So I will have to read the remaining ones here:

The edition that I have
*Notes From Underground (re-read, because even though it's short, you can grasp everything better the second time and I wouldn't mind re-reading it again provided I'm able to withstand all the this brilliant or is this brilliant? Please, if you can manage the mental overload, read this!)

Borrowed from SAN Bookshop
*Chronicle of a Death Foretold (read it halfway and have to return to the bookshop soon...where did I put this?)

This picture is by Pablo Picasso!
*Don Quixote (I really like this one but there are so many references involved that it's quite heavy on the brains...actually it's so famous you can read this one for free on the net...but I find this translation much more succinct and the references help in the understanding of the story)

Same author as Notes From Underground
*Crime and Punishment (because if you're read Notes you can't possibly not read this, followed by a possible Brothers Karamozof...ack. Ehh, I seem to enjoy reading translated books, no? I just know Russian books are always more cheem.)

I dunno which one's Ned Kelly
*True History of the Kelly Gang (a bit like Mockingbird, only it's a humanisation of a notorious real-life criminal. Oh and it's Australian. And I forgot where I put this one too.)

Anime-inspired cover
*In the Miso Soup (I have to read at least one light one or else I'll go thinking too much-though this one's a thriller. I liked this cover, hehe...reminds me of Happy Tree Friends kind of violence-cum-cutesy)

Very ballerina!
*Hypocrite in a Pouffy White Dress (another lighthearted one...after all the heavy/tragic/depressing books)

Cover already looks depressing
*The Known World (Oprah says it's the best book she ever read, and if she says so, it must be.)

Then after this I can borrow Tales of Narnia and maybe Artemis Fowl's latest (haven't got the chance to read it yet! Ehh...when are they going to make Artemis Fowl movie?!)...I wonder when will I ever get to it, though. That'll be it for the next year, I reckon. In the meantime I'll just read comics, huuhuuh. Sadly the newest One Piece volume (the only comic I'm still faithfully following, aside from Conan...stupid no-brainer but addictive Conan) hasn't come out yet, so, yea, I'll read novels.

Blogger sanny said...

I dunno...I don't live in Amrik leh...but it's v low key here. I wouldn't have known abt it had it not been for Oprah's talkshow
12:46 PM  
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